grilled artichokes
grilled artichokes
grilled artichokes


serves 4

01 Ingredients

  • 4 fresh artichokes 

  • 1 lemon halved

  • Olive oil

  • 2tbs finely chopped parsley

  • Dried chilli seeds

  • Maldon salt

  • Ground black pepper

02 Preparation

  1. Heat the grill to around 230ºC

  2. Wash the artichokes with a vegetable scrubber

  3. Prepare a bowl of water with the juice of half a lemon

  4. Remove all the harder outer leaves, and trim off the small hard leaves on the underside of the artichoke

  5. Using a potato peeler, take off the outer layer of the stems. Trim the stalk end

  6. Slice off the top half of the artichokes and cut the artichoke in half along the vertical

  7. With a spoon, remove the small pale pink spiky leaves and the choke

  8. Put each artichoke in the lemon water bowl to stop them from blackening

  9. Steam the artichokes in a steamer till soft - around 40 min depending on their size

  10.  Place them on an oven tray for grilling, core side up

  11. Sprinkle with some olive oil and place them directly under the grill for a few minutes, till the edges are charring

  12. Remove immediately

03 Plating

Using a flattish bowl, place 2 halves of each artichoke in each. Sprinkle over some olive oil, a squeeze of fresh lemon, some ground black pepper, the chilli seeds, Maldon salt and garnish with the chopped parsley.  Serve with extra lemon. Alternatively you can serve them on a large wooden board

Cook’s Notes

Artichokes must be fresh. If they are past their sell by date, the leaves will be dry and separating from the core.