bebere spice


spice for zigne

01 Ingredients

Whole Spices

  • 1tbs coriander seeds

  • 2tbs fenugreek seeds 

  • ½ tsp black peppercorns 

  • 6 cardamom pods 

  • 4 whole cloves

  • ½ tsp Allspice whole or ¼ tsp ground

  • 1tsp dried garlic flakes 

  • 1tsp ajwain seeds 

Ground Spices

  • Paprika (half sweet/half smoked) . 6Tbs

  • Cayenne Pepper . 6Tbs

  • Birds eye chilli . 1tbs (none if you prefer it milder)

  • Nutmeg . ginger . cinnamon - 1/2tsp of each

  • Ground turmeric . 1/4tsp

02 Preparation

  1. Dry roast the Whole Spices for 4 minutes

  2. Grind them and the garlic flakes together in a grinder till fine

  3. Stir together with the Ground Spices 

  4. You can double up on the quantities, then bottle and store it in a dry place for up to 6 months

03 Plating

Bebere is used in the Zigne recipe to give it its unique flavour, however its also delicious used as a rub on seared tuna or steaks

Cook’s Notes

If the ajwain seed is not  available, use equal parts of cumin and thyme, or mild oregano, which imparts a similar flavour