

serves 4

01 Ingredients

  • 350g Arborio rice

  • 1 cup dried porcini mushrooms

  • 1 garlic clove crushed

  • ½ onion finely chopped 

  • 125ml white wine

  • 1 cup enoki mushrooms 

  • 1½ litre chicken stock 

  • ½ tsp saffron threads 

  • 60g cubed butter (keep in the fridge) 

  • 80g freshly grated Parmesan cheese 

  • Olive oil

  • Salt 

  • Ground black pepper

02 Preparation

  1. In a bowl place the porcini and pour hot water on them to just cover

  2. Allow to rehydrate for 30min

  3. Setting the water aside to use later, remove the porcini mushrooms, and chop into smaller pieces

  4. Heat the enoki mushrooms in a pan with a little oil, reduce heat to medium and fry till crisping. Salt, and remove from the heat to use later for garnishing

  5. In a small pot, gently heat the stock and mushroom water to just simmering

  6. Put a bit of the broth into a cup with some saffron threads and allow to stand while cooking the risotto

  7. In a separate larger pot, add some olive oil, and gently sweat the garlic and onions till translucent 

  8. Add the chopped porcini mushrooms and cook till browning and giving off the porcini fragrance

  9. Add the wine, stir and cook for a few minutes to reduce it

  10. Add the rice, stir in and fry for a few minutes coating the grains 

  11. Add a ladleful of the simmering stock, stir, and as the liquid absorbs, add another ladle

  12. Continue doing this, stirring

  13. Stir in the saffron towards the end of the cooking time and salt to taste

  14. When the rice is just al dente, no longer, remove the pot from the stove

  15. Add the cold butter cubes from the fridge, parmesan cheese, and a ladle of broth. Don’t stir. 

  16. Put the lid on and leave to stand for 30 seconds, then agitate the contents of the pot by shaking it 

  17. This last process is called mantecatura, and it's this small procedure that gives the risotto that lovely creaminess. 

  18. Stir and serve immediately

03 Plating

Divide the risotto into 4 large bowls. Garnish with the crisped mushrooms, some ground black pepper and serve with extra parmesan cheese

Cook’s Notes

Nonno Bozzone would forage the porcini from the woodlands and Nonna Bozzone would either cook them fresh, or dry the abundance for later use.. Porcini is one of my favourite aromas, and the delicious umami flavours rekindle those special memories